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Welcome To My Home Page.
i'm called Becca. i've built a teen site just for teens. i hope you enjoy. of course I have the usual celeb goss, fashion, stuff like that. So go on exlore...................

Boys: What they do when they dump you
Okay, boys, we can't uderstand them all, but here's a little information to take a hint that he's, well you know gonna chuck you.
1.He doesn't return your calls or tet you back.
2. He tries to avoid eye contact or anything on your body.
3. You go in for the killer kiss and he pulls away.
4. If he decides after a while that he's rather play footy than do his thang.
5. He calls you names behind your back
Ps. These sound obvious, but some people don't read the signs. Go on Kick him to the kurb before he does it to you.
look at you. Is this what you do. Your a monkey.
monkeys, i got it wrong, what button do i press?

Notifying Visitors of Site Enhancements
hi, have any queries just e-mail.
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Check out the Fashion page on: What's new page
It's ful of the latest 60's gear

Halloween Ideas
What to get dressed up as:
Dead cheerleader
dead girl/boy

Lovely ideas to spook the hell out of your next door neighbours. A little advice DO NOT THROW EGGS, It may be fun, but you will get found out.
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